Design Files


New: Smart Layouts in Platforma Website Wireframes


Introducing Smart Layout in Platforma


We think that you already know the Sketch's new feature called Smart Layouts. We're exited how cool it is and today we're really happy to announce that Platforma Website Wireframes supports this feature from now on. Below you'll find the list of changes that we've implemented to help you design faster and better.

Of course, this update will be free for all customers who already have Platforma 2. Just log into your account and download the new file.

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What's new

Forget about manual resizing with Smart Layout in Sketch


Now all Platforma’s heading sections are set up to work with Smart Layouts. Please note that due to some Sketch restrictions some headings with Smart Layouts only work in 1440px web version.



We added this feature to all cards like Features, Contents, Pricing and Customers. You don't have to worry about spacing and margins while bringing in new content. Moreover, you can can now use only one Symbol for completely different states.



Smart Layout also works with all basic elements like Buttons, Links, Tabs and Breadcrumbs. We all know how annoying it is to adjust offsets only because of the changes in one button or menu link. Finally you can forget about this headache!


Fixed and improved

We've also added a lot of minor improvements and readjustments. For example, a great number of elements and components are now in Symbols. In addition, we fixed a batch of problems with Resize Options, Text and Layer Styles.

We hope you'll like this update and we'll be really grateful for any feedback: it will help us make the next version even better. Cheers!

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